BTM unit


The BTM equipment implements the managing of the BTM Antenna, specifically picking up the telegrams received by the Eurobalises along the tracks. The data telegram, properly decoded, is sent via Ethernet to the central processor to be processed in the Host System logic.

BTM System Description

The BTM System is composed by one Power supply (ALIM110V) one WatchDog module (WDR) and one CPU board (BTMD). Two other boards (FEA and TP) are the BTM Antenna interfaces:

• ALIM110V: its task is to provide the supply voltages for the rack equipment and the required insulation towards the power supply provided by the battery of the rolling stock (rated input voltage 24-110 Vdc);

• WDR: its tasks are to acquire the power supply from the power supply unit, generate 24V in safety for the BTMD and FEATP unit, verify BTMD alive status;

• BTMD: its task is to send commands to the FEA and TP boards, receive diagnostics data and manage data telegrams reception from BTM Antenna(s);

• FEA: its task is to receive data telegrams from BTM Antenna(s), carry out the A/D conversion and the demodulation of the up-link signal from the Balise;

• TP: its task is to generate the signal of Tele-Powering.

BTM Technical Data

Dimensions: 482.4 mm (W) x 132 mm (H) x 246 mm (D)

Weight: 6Kgms

Power supply Voltage: 24÷110Vdc (16,8 ÷ 137,5)

Rated power: 85W

Rated current: 3.5A @ 24Vdc

Max Current: 4A

IN/PE and OUT/PE insulation: 1000Vac

Operating temperature: [-25°C; +70°C]

Storage and transport temperature: [-40°C; +85°C]

Height: 1800m asl

Protection Degree: IP20

MTBF and standard